How To Withdraw Money On Revolut

How To Withdraw Money On Revolut

Revolut is an online banking platform that allows users to make payments, transfer money, and withdraw cash from ATMs around the world. It is a convenient and secure way for users to access their funds without the need for a physical card. In this article, we will discuss how to withdraw money on Revolut.

Understanding the Revolut Withdrawal Process

The withdrawal process on Revolut is straightforward and simple. The first step is to log into your account and select the ‘Withdraw’ option. This will open a page with a list of available currencies for you to choose from. After selecting the currency, you will need to enter the amount of money you wish to withdraw and confirm the transaction. Once the transaction is completed, the funds will be transferred to your account.

The Revolut withdrawal process also requires users to provide valid identification to ensure the safety and security of the transaction. This includes providing a valid government-issued ID, such as a passport or driver’s license. Additionally, you may be required to provide additional documents such as proof of address or bank statements.

Withdrawing Money from Revolut at an ATM

Once the withdrawal process is complete, users can withdraw their money from an ATM. Revolut users can withdraw up to the amount specified in the withdrawal request. To use an ATM, the user must ensure that the ATM is affiliated with Revolut and accepts the user’s currency. Additionally, users must have the correct PIN code to complete the transaction. After the transaction is complete, the money will be transferred to the user’s account.

Additional Fees

Revolut users should be aware of any additional fees associated with withdrawing money. Depending on the type of transaction, the user may be charged a fee for the withdrawal. For example, Revolut charges a currency exchange fee when users withdraw money in a different currency than the one they have in their account. Additionally, some ATMs may also charge their own fees for withdrawals. It is important for users to understand these fees before initiating the withdrawal process.

Limits on Withdrawals

In addition to fees, Revolut has limits on the amount of money users can withdraw. The limits are based on the type of transaction and the user’s account type. For example, free account users are limited to withdrawing up to £200 per day from ATMs, while premium account users can withdraw up to £400. Users should always check the limits before initiating a withdrawal.

How To Withdraw Money On Revolut; Conclusion

Revolut is an online banking platform that provides users with a convenient and secure way to access their funds anytime, anywhere. Withdrawing money is a simple process that requires users to provide valid identification and select the currency they wish to use.

Additionally, users should be aware of any additional fees and withdrawal limits associated with the transaction. By following the instructions provided by Revolut, users can enjoy a hassle-free withdrawal experience.

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